Orisha, according to the Yoruba tradition, is a deity sent by Olodumare (the creator of the world) to intercede, regulate human affairs, and determine the fate of humans.
People invoke the Orishas in personal or communal rituals for spiritual strength, enlightenment, or assistance in daily challenges.
Primarily originating and widely practiced in Yoruba land in South-West Nigeria, the practice spread in the 18th and 19th centuries to places like Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and Brazil.
So when you walk around the Belfast City Centre and notice a bar called “Orisha”, you can’t help but wonder what they’re really all about.

My first impression of Orisha was how cosy it felt on a cool springtime Saturday evening. Like a typical Belfast bar, the place was bustling with pub-goers who were in for their weekend fill with a pint or two.
Perhaps what caught my eye was the menu, which had cocktails with names such as egun (which means a masquerade or spirit in Yorubaland, and Orisha, which I believe to be the signature cocktail of this upbeat Belfast bar.

As a curious bar crawler, my partner and I ordered both the Egun & Orisha cocktails, which we had in the outdoor area as inside the bar was packed full of customers.
Although I expected a special “ting”, to the cocktails due to their unique names, it came off as really good with no special twist. Do not get me wrong here; we loved the cocktails served here.

As for the staff, they were really cool and posed for a few pictures for our wee blog.
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Oh and the music?
That was so good. I must say that’s the best music I’ve heard in a Belfast bar. I suggest they add some Afrobeats to the playlist to attract a more diverse audience.
I will definitely be visiting this spot again.
Location: 19 Fountain St., Belfast BT1 5EA.
Bill: £22 for 2 cocktails.